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🧿 Creating Content

~5 min

At the end of this, you’ll understand the importance of creating content, when to start, and how to begin.

When? #

There’s no ideal time; start as soon as possible. Start NOW!

What? #

What should you write about? Here are several options:

  1. Pick a topic that interests you.
  2. Choose something you find easy but that others might find challenging.
  3. Teach a skill you’ve put a lot of effort into learning.
  4. Write about anything out of the ordinary1 or even simple topics.

Quality #

How do you determine the quality of the content you’re creating? It depends on three things:

Knowledge #

With the right amount of knowledge, you can surpass those with natural talent. Curiosity drives knowledge, so always ask questions.

Note: Having knowledge and knowing when it becomes useful is a non-linear process—you never know when it might come in handy.

Practice #

Practice is the bridge between talent and knowledge. Given your talent, practice leads to growth.

Talent #

Consider this as gift. No?

“I’m not as talented as others, so I’ll put in more effort to learn.” — My university project partner on why he works so hard. He was right; he’s doing very well now.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On!’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. ― Calvin Coolidge

Why? #

There are several benefits to writing down your thoughts. Let’s go through them one by one:

  1. Brings clarity to your thoughts.
  2. Provides a deeper understanding of the subject.
  3. Builds your personal brand.
  4. Contributes back to society. (Think about how many blogs, videos, and other content you have consumed.)
  5. Helps you develop concise and coherent writing and thinking skills.

Not to Do #

  1. Avoid writing if you’re not comfortable with feedback.
  2. Don’t withhold sharing to keep a competitive advantage.
  3. Don’t let fear of trolls stop you.

I’ve encountered many talented people who don’t share their knowledge. A common reason is, “I don’t have enough time,” which is something you can always make time for.

Where? #

Pick a Format #

Text #

  1. Website - like this one :)
  2. Newsletter
  3. Book

Audio #

  1. Podcasts - Spotify, YouTube
  2. Twitter - Audio group calls
  3. WhatsApp community

Video #

  1. Short form - Reels, TikTok
  2. Long form - YouTube, Coursera, educational sites
  3. Live - Twitch, YouTube


  1. Games
  2. Commenting on posts with ideas

Your success in life will be largely determined by your ability to speak, your ability to write, and the quality of your ideas—in that order. - Professor Patrick H. Winston2

May the force be with you 🧙


Making it perfect? No, you can always improve upon it. It takes time. Don’t wait for it to be perfect—publish and work on feedback. Iterate, iterate, iterate.
How long should it be? As long as necessary to cover your content. Have someone pre-read or consume it before publishing.

Thank you Vaibhav for reading drafts and suggesions.

  1. Writing is about more than just putting words on paper—it’s about capturing ideas, sharing knowledge, and making connections. But one of the most compelling reasons to write is to observe and reflect on the world around you.

    Consider this: you chat with an Uber driver who owns an iPhone 13. At first, it seems like a normal interaction. But then you realize there’s a story there, one that touches on financial literacy. Why would someone in a gig economy job have such an expensive phone? Perhaps they got it through a financing scheme without understanding the high-interest rates. Now, they’re paying double the phone’s price, which forces them to work 10-hour shifts just to keep up.

    These everyday encounters hold stories that can educate and resonate with others. Writing about them can highlight important issues like financial literacy and the impact of debt, making your content not just interesting, but also valuable.

    The world is full of oddities and nuances. By writing about them, you can turn everyday moments into powerful narratives. So don’t wait for the perfect topic or the perfect time. Start now, observe the world, and write about what you find. ↩︎

  2. How to Speak ↩︎


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